Hi, I'm Saarim!

Saarim Rahman


I'm a founder and builder at heart. I create fast, innovative, secure, and reliable systems at scale.

Explore my creations at app.saarim.me. I also write sometimes.

I'm currently a tech lead at Abacus.AI developing the core intelligence behind ChatLLM, our AI super assistant. My work encompasses tool use, image & video generation, and our artifact playground. I also work on our Data Science Co-Pilot and ML platform.

I was previously at Berkeley AI Research, Amazon, MarkLogic (a NoSQL DB unicorn), Avenu (a seed-stage social startup), CalTeach, and RICS. I conducted AI research, pioneered cutting-edge tech, and led the innovators of tomorrow.

I am a Berkeley EECS alum. While at Berkeley, I co-founded my own startup, MedBytes, an AI-assisted medical research platform for doctors.

"ستاروں سے آگے جہاں اور بھی ہیں

ابھی عشق کے امتحاں اور بھی ہیں

تہی، زندگی سے نہیں یہ فضائیں

یہاں سینکڑوں کارواں اور بھی ہیں

قناعت نہ کر عالمِ رنگ و بُو پر

چمن اور بھی آشیاں اور بھی ہیں

اگر کھو گیا اک نشیمن تو کیا غم

مقاماتِ آہ و فغاں اور بھی ہیں

تو شاہیں ہے، پرواز ہے کام تیرا

ترے سامنے آسماں اور بھی ہیں

اسی روز و شب میں اُلجھ کر نہ رہ جا

کہ تیرے زمان و مکاں اور بھی ہیں

گئے دن کہ تنہا تھا مَیں انجمن میں

یہاں اب مِرے رازداں اور بھی ہیں" علامہ محمد اقبال

"Other worlds exist beyond the stars,
More tests of heart are still to come.

This vast space does not lack life,
Hundreds of other caravans are here.

Do not be content with the world of color and smell,
Other gardens there are, other nests, too.

What is the worry if one nest is lost?
There are other places to sigh and cry for!

You are an eagle, flight is your vocation:
You have other skies stretching out before you.

Do not let mere day and night ensnare you,
Other times and places belong to you.

Gone are the days when I was alone in company,
Many here are my companions now." Allama Iqbal

Special shoutout to Mama Rahman for showing me this beautiful poem :').